(609) 261-5500

Comprehensive Check Fraud Protection

Reduce check fraud losses and protect customer trust with our AI-powered solution that significantly outperforms manual review with higher efficiency and accuracy.

Protect Your Bank from Check Fraud with SENTRY: FraudSuite

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, check fraud remains a significant threat to banks and their customers. SENTRY:FraudSuite™ is SQN’s proprietary solution, designed to safeguard your institution against fraudulent check activities.

SENTRY:FraudSuite™ integrates various check-fraud measures into a comprehensive platform, ensuring security and significant cost savings. SENTRY: FraudSuite™ detects on-us and transit fraudulent checks by building profiles for the FIs customers and using deposit transactions to detect anomalies. By leveraging the power of machine learning, it gathers and analyzes a wide array of transactional, behavioral, and historical data, including image analysis metrics. This comprehensive view of customers and their activities enables the system to identify patterns, anomalies, and potential fraud indicators with a high degree of accuracy.

Reduce check fraud and gain customer trust with SQN’s SENTRY:FraudSuite™

check fraud solution and all the engines that analyze
check being analyzed by fraud solution

Image Analysis

Utilizes check images and machine learning engines to detect anomalies in handwriting profiles and the check stock.

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AI Handwriting Verification

Leverages artificial intelligence to compare handwritten elements, identifying inconsistencies that indicate potential fraud.

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Instant Check Verfication

Enables real-time fraud detection at the point of presentment, including ATMs, mobile deposits, and teller systems.

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

Through our partners, get alerted when compromised accounts are found on the dark web.

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Alert Management Module

Offers a comprehensive interface for processing, managing, and analyzing fraud alerts with detailed check image displays.

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Signature Verfication

Analyzes and verifies signatures on checks to detect possible forgeries, reducing signature-based fraud risk.

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Transaction Data Behavioral Analysis

Tracks and analyzes payment behaviors across channels, identifying unusual activity patterns that could indicate fraudulent transactions.

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Defend against the various types of check fraud 

Altered Checks

Detect and prevent tampering with check details, such as changes to the payee's name or amount, ensuring your checks remain secure.

Duplicate Checks

Block attempts to cash or deposit the same check multiple times, safeguarding your account from unauthorized withdrawals.


By analyzing security features and check stock patterns, SENTRY: FraudSuite™ identifies and stops counterfeit checks from being cashed or deposited.

Check Deposits

Protect against non "on-us" check fraud by analyzing account behavioral anomalies, Account open time, and # of checks deposited. 


Compares signatures to known good signatures on the account to defend against forgeries

Paper Hanging

SENTRY:FraudSuite™ flags and prevents fraudulent transactions involving checks written on closed or empty accounts.

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Find Out How FraudSuite Can Help Your Financial Institution

Check fraud takes many forms, from forging signatures to chemical alterations to generating fake checks. Check usage may be declining but check fraud isnt —  more than 1 million fraudulent checks flow through the system everyday 

SQN Banking Systems

SQN Banking Systems’ history began in 1983, when we revolutionized check fraud detection with
the introduction of the first PC-based signature check verification system. Since then, needs
have changed and SQN Banking Systems has changed with them. We have developed a
comprehensive line of fraud protection software products crucial to overcoming the growing
problem of fraud losses. In an increasingly competitive banking world, we are helping our clients stay ahead of the curve with exceptionally efficient process improvement software